サフェド ムスリ    男性の活力



また、Safed Musliは、天然活力剤、健康強壮剤、産前産後の問題の治療薬、免疫力向上のための回復薬、糖尿病や関節炎の補助療法として、ますます受け入れられてきています。

最近、サフェドムスリが天然で安全な媚薬であることが発見され、新しい用途と新しい需要を開拓しました。ハーブであることから、サフェド・ムスリは化学薬品による媚薬のような悪い副作用がなく、理想的な媚薬であることが分かっています。植物に含まれるサポニンとアルカロイドは、その重要な薬効成分の主要な源です。サフェドムスリ から多くの健康食品が作られています。サフェドムスリ のパウダーは、生殖機能の低下、性欲減退、精子数の減少、早漏などに有用であるとされています。また、ラドゥー(Laddoos)と呼ばれる形で、出産後の母親の伝統的な食事に欠かせないもので、乳房のミルクフローを改善し、衰えた筋肉を強化するのに役立ちます。

効 果







容量    120g




Safed Musli

Vogour & Male Vitality


Safed Musli is decorticated rhizome or tuberous root of Chlorophytum borivilianum plant, they are dried and powdered. In Ayurveda it is mentioned as bitter in taste, heavy to digest. Safed musli is useful to pacify vitiated Vata and has body nourishing properties. Safed Musli powder has adequate fibres which help to clear bowel & reduce inflammation of internal piles. In Ayurveda Safed Musli is considered to be one of the best Rejuvenating tonic for all.

Safed Musli is also gaining increasing acceptance as a Natural Vitalizer and health-giving tonic, a curative for pre-natal and post-natal problems, a restorative for immunity-improvement and as a useful adjuvant remedy for diabetes and arthritis.

The recent discovery of Safed Musli as a natural and safe aphrodisiac agent has also opened up new channels of application and new demand for it. By virtue of being an herb, Safed Musli has been found to be an ideal aphrodisiac with no negative side-effects associated with chemical-based aphrodisiac. The Saponins and Alkaloids present in the plant are the primary sources of its significant medicinal properties. A number of Health tonics are prepared from Safed Musli. Safed Musli powder is found useful for reproductive weakness, low libido, low sperm count, premature ejaculation etc. It is an essential part of a traditional diet of mothers (after delivery) in the form of Laddoos which helps to improve milk flow in breast and strengthen lagging muscles.


Promotes Vigour & Vitality

Supports enhancement of physical strength and healthy muscle power

Supports Natural, Healthy libido & overall energy level

Promotes healthy Male Reproductive System functions


1-2 teaspoons with water twice daily

SIZE    120g