
Pure & Natural



髪に良い影響を与える : イランイランエッセンシャルオイルは、様々な形で髪に良い影響を与えることでも知られています。抜け毛や頭皮の乾燥を防ぎ、髪を強くする効果もあります。抜け毛や頭皮の乾燥を防ぎ、髪を丈夫にする効果があります。また、皮膚を刺激して皮脂の分泌をコントロールし、頭皮を健康にして髪の健康を促進します。









容量    15ml

*エッセンシャルオイルの使い方:1ml20適/2ml= 40



Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Pure & Natural


Gives Beautiful Skin : ylang ylang essential oil retains moisture and balances the oils that keep skin young, smooth, refreshed, hydrated , beautiful and glowing

Beneficial For Hair : Ylang ylang oil is also known for benefiting hair in a number of ways - it can help prevent hair loss, scalp dryness, and even strengthen the hair. The oil stimulates the skin and helps to controls the secretion of sebum, ultimately leading to a healthier scalp and improved hair health.

PERFECT FOR AROMATHERAPY: Ylang Ylang is beautifully fragrant, with a heavy, sweet, slightly fruity floral aroma. One of the best ways to achieve all benefits of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is to use it for diffusion. It helps you breathe healthy.

SUPPORTS ACTIVITIES: The use of essential oils is a wonderful way to comfort and enhance long term care. Ideal for using during spa, yoga, meditation, exercising and for skin and hair rejuvenation, facial steam or massage after a long hour of strenuous activity that makes you tired or drained.


Put Ylang Ylang oil into an Epsom salt bath for relaxation.

Refresh skin with an aromatherapy steam facial using Ylang Ylang essential oil.

Add Ylang Ylang oil to fractionated coconut oil for a deep hair conditioner.

Ylang Ylang oil should be diluted with carrier oil like coconut oil in 1:1 ratio before applying it on skin. Massage into the shoulders or back, apply to the feet.

The oil can be diffused throughout your home using a diffuser..

SIZE  15ml / 0.5 Fl Oz