リバーリックス  複合ハブ



この製品のハーブ配合は、薬草での活動的な原理を利用したアーユルベディックの古代文献と科学的研究を徹底的に研究した後に行われました。 このような標準化されたハーブエキスの順列と組み合わせは剤形の効果と安全を念頭に置いて行われました。 



クタキエキスは、肝細胞を保護する主成分で、ストールスを緩めて腹部や肝臓から発生する毒性を取り除きます。 クタキエキスにはウイルス性攻撃を減らし肝機能を改善するのに役立つビターグリコサイドが含まれています。 


プナルナバエキスとクタキエキスは、肝炎などで蓄積された腹膜の腹水を取り除くのに役立ちます。 プナナナバエキスのアルカロイドは、肝細胞の浮腫を減少させて利尿剤の役割をします。


バングラ(Eclipta Alba)エキスは、肝細胞の毒性および炎症を減少させるアルカロイドエクリプチンとウェデロラクトンが含まれています。


効 果

• 肝臓のウェルビーイングと免疫性をサポート

• 肝細胞の炎症減少を支援

• 肝臓におけるウイルス負荷の減少を促進

• 抗酸化剤として健康な胆汁の流れを支援

• 門機で品質確認Non-GMO、植物性、グルテンフリ



容量60cap      450mg 植物性カプセル (Veggie Capsule)





This above formulation has been made after doing thorough research of Ayurvedic ancient texts and Scientific studies using active principles in herbs. The permutation and combination of these Standardised Herbal Extracts have been done keeping in mind efficacy and safety of formulation. The combinations of extracts act on well being of hepatic or liver cells, reducing inflammation and cleansing its channels. The Bitters (Phyllanthin) and Lignans contained in Extract of Bhumyamlaki helps to reduce toxicity in liver with anti-oxidant activity. Kutaki is main ingredient to protect Liver cells, removes toxicity from stomach & Liver by making the stools loose. Kutaki Extract contains Bitter glycoside which helps to reduce viral attack and improve Liver functions. Guduchi extract helps to retain immunity, improve glucose metabolism at hepatic level and reduce inflammation of Liver cells.

Punarnava Extract and Kutaki extract helps to remove extra fluids from the stomach internal layers (peritoneum) accumulated due to Liver affections. Alkaloids present in Punarnava extract helps as Diuretic to reduce oedema in Liver cells.
Sharpunkha Extract contains Flavonoids which helps to reduce Liver cells inflammation, regulate bile juices (acts as Cholagogue), diminishes spleen enlargement and fever.
The Bhangra (Eclipta Alba) extract contains alkaloid ecliptine and wedelolactone which helps to reduce toxicity and inflammation in Liver cells.
Study reveals that Kumari extract is enriched with Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, anthroquinones, glycosides which help as anti-oxidant, protecting liver cells, reduces viral load in liver and help as cholagogue.


  • Supports Liver Wellbeing & Immunity
  • Supports reduction of inflammation in the Liver cells.
  • Promotes reduction of Viral Load in Liver.
  • Supports healthy Bile flow & as anti-oxidant.