シベリア  チャーガ (エキス)  バイカルハーブ


超高濃縮の高品質 チャーガ抽出粉末です。





高品質のオリジナル チャガ エキス、ロシアから直接発送いたします。

[バイカルハーブ  チャガ ご紹介]

チャーガ(Chaga) またはカバノアナタケ(Inonotus Obliquus)は、ロシアの自然療法および実際の医療において、糖尿病、がんなどさまざまな病気に対する予防および薬剤として使われています。 チャガは、癌を含む様々な急性および慢性の感染症、非感染症疾患を治療するとき、体の防御力を高め、健康状態を改善するために使用されます。



チャーガはシラカバの木だけで育ち、外観上は黒いひび割れた塊のように見えるため、ロシアではよく「黒いシラカバきのこ」と呼ばれています 。チャガは、正確には生きているシラカバに寄生して栄養分を吸収するカビです。ロシアでは、シラカバは最も治療の効果を持つ木として有名です。実際、シラカバのほぼすべての部分は治癒物質が含まれており、民間療法 (自然療法)だけでなく公的医療にも応用されています。使われる部分はジュース、葉、花のつぼみ、樹木、樹皮です。このように、チャガがたくさんの健康上の利益を持っている事実は、 主にその宿主に帰されます。










医学的価値の観点からチャガとは何か: チャガは強壮剤, 抗がん剤、免疫システムの調節剤、抗うつ剤、肝臓洗浄剤、胃腸強化剤、長寿強壮剤、遺伝子保護剤です。そして、チャガは血糖を非常に早く下げることができます: チャガエキスを服用した後、1.5時間から3時間以内に、血糖値の減少を観察することができます。そして血糖値は15.8-29.9%に低下します。













ロシア語には「シベリア人の健康」という表現があります。これはシベリア人が路地アで最も健康な人だという意味ですが、シベリア地域がチャガを最も多く消費しているからだと思われます。バイカルハーブ社で生産されるチャガ エキスはすでに世界最高の品質を達成したと宣言できます。本物のシベリア産チャガ (野生方式)を抽出した20年以上の製造経験をもとに、バイカルハーブ社はとても強力で効果的な100% 天然のチャガエキスを生産しています。

多くの人は、チャガティーと チャガエキスの違いを見分けることができません。チャガティー(Chaga tea)は乾燥させたチャガをただ粉砕したものですが、それに比べて チャガエキスはチャガを凍結・乾燥して製造した高濃縮抗酸化粉末です。

成 分

100%  チャガエキス粉末 ( チャガを粉砕したものではありません)



容量:  100g x 7袋






Easy-to-use packaging makes it easy to apply and store Chaga Extract.A convenient clip-fastener protects the extract from contact with moisture and protects against ingress of foreign products.

Convenient packaging of high-quality Extract Chaga


Chaga or birch tree mushroom (Inonotus Obliquus) is used in Russian folk and official medicine as a preventive and medicinal means against various diseases including diabetes and cancer.Preparations made from  chaga mushroom  are used for the increase of host defenses and improvement of health during treatment of varied acute and chronic infectious and non-infectious diseases, including cancer.In Russia, chaga products are often applied to cancer patients as a combined therapy for correction of secondary immune-deficiency states.There are scientific observations conducted by Russian medical scientists proving that chaga is also very effective in treatment of diabetes of II type.

Because  chaga mushroom  grows only on birch trees and looks like a black cracked mass in appearance, in Russia it is often referred to as Black birch mushroom Chaga mushroom is a fungal parasite which draws its nutrients out of living birch trees, rather than from the ground.And a birch tree is famous in Russia as the most curative tree.Virtually every part of a birch tree contains healing substances and is aplied in folk medicine as well as in official medicine for healing purposes.These parts are: juice, leaves, buds, wood, bark.And the fact that  chaga mushroom  has so much health benefits is mostly attributed to its host.

In ancient Slavic language chaga was called «Gaga» which means « a lip» so this might be the reason for its current name.This is a mushroom that commonly grows in northern regions on birch, alder and beech trees.However, for medicinal purpose only birch chaga can be used.

Healing properties of chaga mushroom.

Chaga's purifying and healing properties have been known in Russia since 12th century.According to chronicles the Russian prince Vladimir Monomakh got rid of lip cancer thanks to chaga mushroom.Nowadays many people in Siberia still brew and drink Chaga mushroom tea instead of usual black tea or coffee.Some local people do it for health purpose but some for saving money, chaga is free for them after all.

And it's been noticed that in areas where people regularly drink chaga tea, the rate of cancerous diseases among local folk is much lower than in neighbouring regions.Stomach problems among local population are almost unheard of.Many people who drink chaga extract regularly, usually look younger than their true age and live very long, some even over 100 years.

What is  chaga in terms of medical value: chaga mushroom is a primary adaptogen, cancer fighter, immune system modulator, antitumor agent, liver cleaner, gastrointestinal tonifier, longevity tonic and genoprotective agent (DNA-shielding).Chaga is able to lower blood sugar very quickly: maximum decrease of serum glucose level can be observed in 1,5-3 hours after taking chaga extract and the blood sugar level drops for 15,8-29,9 %.

The most important feature of  chaga mushroom  that makes it outstanding from the rest of medicinal mushrooms is that it contains a complex of antioxidant pigments (chromogens) not found in any other mushroom.This is the most significant attribute of chaga mushroom distinguishing it from the rest of mushrooms!There are also many other biologically active substances in chaga that make chaga mushroom so powerful.These are polysaccharids, alkalines, phytonutrients, beta-glucans,organic acids and many important minerals and microelements such as calcium, zinc, magnesium, chrom and others.Many of anticancer properties are now being attributed to chromogenic complex (complex of humic acids).Chaga also has high level of melanin that protects DNA and fights radiation by activating a pineal gland.

In Russia, chaga was approved for public use against cancer by the Moscow Medical Academy of Science in 1955.Therefore Russian scientists are very competent about real properties of chaga due to numerous studies and clinical trials that's been conducted since then.

Preparations from chaga can be applied as an  active biogenic stimulators, which increase host defences,  stimulate central nervous and neurohumoral system (chaga increases activity of  estrogens), improve metabolism including activation of  metabolism in cerebral tissue, regulate  activity of cardiovascular and  respiratory systems, stimulate the homogeny (increase the level of leukocytes), poses antipyretic properties by  internal  and local application, strengthen cytostatic activity of antitumorigenic  preparations, detains tumor growth, causes their gradual regression and  slows down the development of metastases.


Where do we harvest our chaga?

The most healing Siberian chaga mushroom grows in limited areas.On the above map, green color shows where chaga mushroom can be spotet in general.But yellow color shows(approximately) where does  the real Siberian healing chaga mushroom grow.

We live in Russian Siberia, our parents and grand-grand parents  applied chaga for healing purpose on regular basis.In Russian language there is an expression "Siberian health" implying that Siberians are the most healthy people among the rest of Russian population and we believe that this is partly because of  an overall consumption of chaga in Siberia.We responsibly declare that our company has achieved the highest quality in production of chaga extract  that can be produced today.The combination of genuine Siberian chaga mushroom (wildgrown), advanced equipment for sublimation (freeze-dry) and more than 20 years of manufacturing experience made it possible for our company to create a very potent, effective and 100% natural chaga extract.

There is only one negative thing about Russian Siberian chaga - with highly increased demand for high quality wildgrown chaga, chaga reserves of Siberia have been shrinking rather quickly.Perhaps in a not so distant future russian exporters will have to increase their export prices considerably  while demand for chaga in Russia is on the rise



Many people cannot tell the difference between chaga tea and chaga extract.These are different products.Chaga tea is  a dried and ground chaga mushroom whereas chaga extract is a freeze-dry highly concentrated antioxidant powder received from chaga mushroom.See below video to understand the visual difference better.


100% extract of chaga