A2 ギル ビローナ ギバター


ギル牛は、インドのグジャラート州とラジャスタン州で生産される純血種の牛の一種です。 これらは自由放牧で放牧されたA2ギル牛です。





成 分

A2 ギルギバター(ビローナ方式)

容量  500 mL





Gir cow is a purebred (non-hybrid) desi cattle breed from the Gujarat and Rajasthan regions of India. These are free-range, grass-fed A2 Gir Cows.

Our A2 Bilona Ghee is made from the high-quality milk of these cows, using the age-old hand-churning Bilona method. This makes our ghee highly nutritious, with a rich aroma & authentic flavor. Our bilona ghee is 100% natural and has no preservatives and colors.

100% A2 Gir Ghee Butter by Bilona Method

Boosts Immunity – Pure A2 Bilona ghee contains antioxidants that help the body better absorb vitamins and minerals. Along with this, Butyric acid in bilona ghee also helps strengthen immunity by increasing T-cell production that fights against allergens in the gut.
Good for the Heart – The presence of Omega 3 fatty acids in A2 bilona ghee helps reduce fat cells, triglycerides (harmful in excess), and inflammation in the body. All these benefits together promote heart health. Our bilona ghee is a great source of these Omega 3 acids which help to make your heart healthy and happy.
Burns Fat – Bilona Cow Ghee made from the milk of grass-fed cows contains a high amount of CLA which speeds up the fat-burning process. It makes the body spend energy quicker, thus helping it burn fat faster.
Strong Bones - Vitamin K2 in A2 bilona ghee helps in the deposition of calcium in the required places of the skeletal system. Bilona ghee also helps reduce the risk of degenerative diseases by preventing the calcification of soft tissues.
Muscle Growth – Vitamins A in A2 bilona ghee supports protein synthesis and glycogen production, which further aid in the growth of muscles. Vitamin B, being an antioxidant, blocks the effects of free radicals that hamper muscle growth. 




SIZE  500ml