
100% 有機/抗酸化、ビタミンC


* アムラジュースが提供する天然ビタミンC、鉄、カルシウムなどの効果を味わってみてくだあい

* 風邪や咳を効果的にコントロール

* 血圧を調整し、健康な範囲内に保ちます。

* 抗酸化特性によって健やかでツヤのある肌に整えます

* 新陳代謝を促進し、体重減量をサポートします

* 白髪と脱毛を軽減します

* 組織細胞の損傷を最小化します

* 悪玉コレステロールの蓄積を抑え、心臓病のリスクを抑えます

* 12回、ジュース30ml+水30mlの割合で混ぜて飲みます

成 分

アムラジュース 100%



容量 1 L






* Treat your body to the goodness of Kapiva'sAmla Juice and enjoy the benefits of all the Vitamin C, Iron and Calcium that it supplies

* Provides effective control over common cold and cough

* Helps regulate blood pressure, ensuring it stays within a healthy range

* Anti-ageing properties give the skin a healthy and supple glow

* Aids weight loss by providing a metabolism boost * Reduces hair fall and fights against early grey hair

* Minimises cell damage due to its numerous free radicals

* Minimises the risk of heart disease by curbing the build-up of bad cholesterol

* A daily 30 ml shot of juice will keep you in good health; add 30-50ml of water for flavouring

* Kapiva derives its name from the three doshas of Ayurveda - Kapha-Pitta-Vatta.Our range of 200+ GMP certified products have the right herbs in the right dosage and provide solutions to a variety of ailments.It's the day and age of hybrids, so go ahead and enjoy the best of both worlds - Ayurvedic tradition + modern-day science and technology.


Take 30ml of organic KapivaAmla Juice twice daily.

Consume daily.


100% Pure Amla Juice, Permitted Class II preservatives