ジェントル デイリケア プロテイン コンディショナ


製品特長 -

ヒマラヤのジェントル デイリケア プロテイン コンディショナは、をシルクのようにらかに、もつれのない状態つジェントルな配合方式のコンディショナです。



タス(蓮華 は、ヘアコンディショニング効果とともに、毛髪効果的活性化さえ、抗酸化特性発揮します。






Keeps your hair detangled, soft and radiant

What it does:

Himalaya’s Gentle Daily Care Protein Conditioner has a gentle formulation that conditions and keeps your hair silky-smooth, soft and tangle-free.It is enriched with protein-rich herbs that nourish, moisturize and condition your hair.

Key ingredients:

·         Lotus effectively revitalizes hair and exhibits antioxidant properties with hair conditioning benefits.

·         Chickpea seed extract is a rich source of protein, and an effective hair conditioner which provides daily nourishment to your hair, keeping it soft, smooth and healthy.

Directions for use:

After shampooing, gently apply along the length of wet hair from base to tip.Leave for two minutes.Rinse thoroughly. 

Best for normal hair.Safe to use on artificially colored or permed hair.